Apparently I'm a terrible blogger. I've gone months without a word but it's time to get back at it!
David's a teacher and last night a bunch of his colleages and several of their spouses got together for Labor Day, one last summer hoorah! It was actually one of the wives there that I was talking to that "re-inspired" me to get back to this blog. I'm hoping to really stick to it this time.
Overall, David and I had a really nice summer. I can't say that it was necessarily a quiet, relaxing one, but it was fun. I started out with two weeks of break while he finished his last two weeks of his school year. Once he was done, I started my summer Chemistry class. That certainly kept me busy! But we found time for a trip to St. Louis, a couple camping trips and a few baseball games. We stayed active with an Ultimate Frisbee team and rewarded ourselves with free pitchers of beer.
It was a hot summer too! Wisconsin had record temps and weeks without rain. Our usual green grass was was crisp and brown. It was not a pretty sight, but slowly things have turned around!
Anyways, that was our summer in a nutshell. Now I'm already back in school and we have our second half marathon coming up in three short weeks! I haven't been as good about training, I think because now that I've done one I know what to expect and I'm not as worried. As long as I beat my time I'll be happy :)
I've mentioned before how healthy living has become such a big priority of my life. It's not that I want to be the skinniest (hate that word) person out there, I just want to feel good. I want to wake up with energy and have it last throughout the day so I'm able to get the things done I not only need to, but want to accomplish. Now, Rome wasn't built in a day, so I have to look at the changes I want to make as baby steps.
Back before my hiatus, I wrote how I went without added sugar for two weeks. I'd like to work on that again at some point but I first I think I want to work on my veggie intake. I was never a veggie lover growing up. But slowly, I'm finding more and more that I really do like. Over the summer we participated in a CSA which forced me to find new recipes for these vegetables that I had never tried, sometimes never even heard of. One of my favorites was kohlrabi. I made the most delicious vegetarian stir-fry... sooo good!! So now that I have more ways to incorporate vegetables I want to work on the regular intake of them. My challenge for the next month is to get the recommended 4 1/2 cups of fruits and vegetables (2 cups fruit, 2 1/2 cups veggies) for women my age. Every day. Feel free to take the challenge with me, or just cheer me on!
Well I think this post is long enough...Until next time!
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