
Boot camp ain't for babies.

It's Thursday-- the weekend is almost here!  I must say it's been a pretty good week, especially work-out-wise.

It started with a long run on Sunday.  I had to make up for last week's long run because my running buddy and I didn't make it as far as we had planned.  So Sunday rolled around and I told myself I would do 11 miles.  I was dreading it.  Big time.  But I knew I'd feel better once I did it, so I forced myself out the door.  I  had a nice walking warm-up to get to my starting point and off I went.  And I kept going, and going, and going.  And I felt good.  Really good.  I think it's safe to say that that was one of my best runs ever.  The weather was gorgeous and I stayed steady at a 10 minute/mile pace.  You hear people talk about "runner's high" and even though I've been running for several years now, I think that was the first time I actually experienced.  I know why they call it a high!

Monday I gave myself the day off because for one, I had to work, and two, I wanted to rest my legs after that run.  Oh yea, and boot camp was coming up on Tuesday.  I don't really know what I was expecting it to be like, but whatever it was, I had it wrong.  By the end, I was dripping, and I mean dripping, sweat.  We did burpees (yuck), blast-offs (ouch), lunges (ehh) and much, much more.  Needless to say, my legs were a'burning!

I think I was surprised because of the fact that I'm training for a half marathon.  I thought I'd be good to go.  Definitely not the case.  Lesson learned though, just because you can run, doesn't mean you're in shape.  But I'm excited to keep going and keep improving.

I'm still sore today but I'm going to Zumba tonight in hopes of loosening up my muscles again.  Isn't it odd how you can overcome the soreness by doing another workout?  The human body sure is fascinating.

I must say that with the balanced eating and consistent workouts lately, I've been feeling really good.  I feel strong.  I feel lean.  I feel like I can keep going.  I'm really showing myself that when you eat with a purpose (to fuel, nourish, etc.) your body will operate so much more efficiently.  Now that  might sound like common sense, but as I sit in the school common's writing this, I see a lot of mindless eating.  I could go on and on about this, I guess it's the (future) dietician in me, but I'll stop here.  Instead I'd like to know what are your favorite foods to fuel with?  Lately, one of mine is trail mix.  Nuts for protein to keep me full, raisins for energy and the chocolate for my sweet tooth.  :)

I suppose I better get back to work.  Unfortunately, chemistry homework does not do itself.
Until next time!

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