One of our local grocery store's had 5 oz salmon fillets on sale this week that I just couldn't pass up. I picked them up today and began contemplating what exactly I'd do with them. Leave it plain and pair it with spicy broccoli? Maybe some red potatoes? Nah. Add it to some left over pasta? Boring. Give it some Asian flavor and saute some veggies? Yes, please!
I don't know about you, but I love Eating Well. I really should subscribe to their magazine. After doing a few Google searches, I was led to a "Honey-Soy Broiled Salmon" dish. This summer I've been on somewhat of a (reduced sodium) soy sauce kick so this totally tripped my trigger. Like the website suggested, I cooked up some zucchini and red bell peppers as a side. Delish!
I followed the recipe almost exactly, but I did improvise for a few things.
I started with two, 5 oz salmon fillets. I love getting individual portions because then I don't have to worry about over-doing it.
Next I mixed up the marinade. I used:
- 1 Tbs reduced sodium soy sauce
- 1/2 Tbs honey
- 1/2 Tbs white wine vinegar
- a fresh garlic clove, minced
- a few shakes of ground ginger
I mixed up the marinade and put everything in a big ziploc bag then let it sit for about 15 minutes. In the meantime I cut up the veggies. Love the colors!
The salmon is ready to broil. Not the prettiest fish to photograph, but it sure is tasty!
While the salmon was in the oven (smelled delicious, by the way), I finished up the veggies. I didn't want to use any oil so I started with just the zucchini in a hot pan. After a few minutes I gave one half of a lemon a good squeeze and continuously moved the zucchini around in the pan. Once I could tell it was softened up some, I added the red pepper and a bit more lemon juice. I kept stirring and let them cook a few more minutes. I never really looked at the clock, just eye-balled everything. I thought about adding seasoning but I just wanted to enjoy them as they are. The seasoning possibilities are endless...
And dinner is served. I scarfed that down like nobody's business.
Overall, it was a really easy dinner. I will definitely be saving this recipe for one of the next time salmon goes on sale. Hopefully soon! (You can find the exact recipe here.)
I'm glad I was finally able to include some pictures in a post. I really love using my camera so I hope to do that more often :) Perhaps tomorrow? I'm meeting up with a friend for breakfast for her birthday and then we're heading off to the city's farmer's market. Can't wait to see what goodies we will find!
Hooray for the weekend!