
Why I'm doing what I'm doing

Photo credit: Food Inc.

There are plenty of kids who grow up knowing exactly what they want to be when they get older.  Perhaps a teacher, a lawyer or maybe a nurse.  I was never one of those kids.  Now that's not to say I didn't have dreams when I was little; I had always wanted to be an artist and when I graduated high school that dream wasn't entirely lost.  At that point I wanted to be a photographer, but after taking some photography classes post-high school, I soon realized I'm not the type of person who can make a career out of a hobby.  As soon as I do, it just isn't fun.  

Fast forward a few years, I thought I wanted to go into nursing.  I had become a licensed esthetician and wanted to take it one step further by getting my nursing degree in order to pursue the dermatology field.  Then one day I was sitting in my Anatomy and Physiology 2 class while we were discussing nutrition and digestion.  All of a sudden, it hit me.  I didn't want to be a nurse.  It just wasn't meant for me.

Afterwards, I did my research and eventually came across dietetics.  How I never knew of it's existence beforehand, I still don't know.  But I do know I have never been more excited to be in school because my heart is finally in it.  I truly believe that the health problems we do or don't have, are strongly associated with the foods we eat and unfortunately not enough people take it seriously.  I want to change that.  I want to change the way people look at food.  I want to help them learn to enjoy it the right way.  I want to help kids grow up making healthy choices.  Mostly, I want to make a difference.

So enough about me, what about you.  What do you want to do?   


Gone Vegetarian

Another lapse in blogging.  I really need to get a routine down because I truly enjoy creating this, even if I'm lacking in the audience department.

Since my last post, I have made a big change and decided to adopt a vegetarian diet.  I don't even remember what made me make the switch, I think I was curious and just started researching it.  I'll be honest, though--  at first it wasn't even for the animals.  It was for me.  (And that's okay.)  I don't want to be one of those types of people who sits and preaches, telling everyone else they should become a vegetarian too.  Instead I will be happy to answer any questions and of course, share recipes!  If you are curious, I can point you in the direction of some helpful resources -->  Look {here} and {here}.

In other news, David and I went to see Nick Offerman last weekend.  As in thee Ron Swanson.  (Parks and Recreation, anyone?)  His whole act was based on his "10 Tips for a Prosperous Life."  It was a great show and one of his tips really got me thinking.  The tip was to get a hobby.  Pretty simple, right?  But as he pointed out, we are so wrapped up in our busy lives and especially our technological devices, that many of us forget to do the things we love.  He really said it best, "If you play 'Draw Something,' f*!#ing draw something."  Pardon his French.  One of my biggest hobbies, that too often gets put on the back burner, is art.  Art of all kinds, but mainly photography and a little painting.  A few years ago I bought a really nice digital SLR camera, or as I like to call it, my "big" camera.  It takes great photos but unfortunately, most of the time it sits in it's carrying case collecting dust.  But when I heard Offerman poking fun at the fact that so many of us live our lives through our Smartphones I decided I really want to change that.  So stay tuned because I will be sharing some photos!

What kinds of hobbies do you have?  Do you "practice" them frequently or do they often get pushed aside?

Have a great week everybody!!